The best views

come after the hardest climbs

Yellowstone 2019 Gear Overview

Yellowstone 2019 Gear Overview

Yellowstone 2019 was a huge success. Over the next week or two I plan to post videos and pictures from the trip along with some summaries of each day.

Saturday, July 13 & Sunday, July 14

We did some typical tourist things. We went to Old Faithful, Grand Prismatic Spring, and a couple of other geyser areas. We stayed at the West Yellowstone KOA the evening of Sunday, July 14 to prep ourselves and our gear for the backcountry.

Monday, July 15, 2019

On Monday we made final gear checks and adjustments. The Backcountry Ranger told us that we would encounter snow, including a snow cornice on Bighorn Pass and more sketchy snow on Skyrim Trail so we packed microspikes as a precaution. Yes, snow at elevation even in the middle of July.

This video is an overview of my gear. Enjoy!

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Yellowstone 2019 Day 1

Thu Jul 25 , 2019
Day 1 (Tuesday July 16th): On Day 1 we hiked through a Bear Management Area (BMA) which includes a traverse over Bighorn Pass. We got an early start at day break, so we could get up and over the pass before the afternoon storms rolled in. We saw Elk within the first mile of our<a class="read-more" href=""> […]</a>