The best views

come after the hardest climbs

Yellowstone 2019 Day 3

Yellowstone 2019 Day 3

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Day 3 was a relatively short hike of just under 10 miles, but we had almost 1,700 ft of elevation change.

My birthday started off perfectly with a moose sighting as we were preparing to hit the trail. We did some off trail travel and some water crossings. I took an unexpected swim during one of them. We ended at High Lake campsite (WD5).

Start: Lower Fan Creek (WC2) (7,334 ft.)

Peak Elevation: 8,812 ft.

Finish: High Lake (WD5) (8,805 ft.)

Miles: 9.86

Elevation Change: 1,693 ft.

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Yellowstone 2019 Day 4

Sat Jul 27 , 2019
Friday, July 19, 2019 Day 4 was a relatively short 7.9-mile hike to camp, but had a respectable elevation change. Additionally, after settling in at camp we took a side hike to Sheep Mountain which added another 3.2 miles for a total of about 11.1 miles for the day. Day 4 is when we really<a class="read-more" href=""> […]</a>